HarmUni 2 - Filking in ConteXXt
August 9th til 11th, 2002
University of Gloucestershire in Cheltenham Spa In harmony with ConteXXt (The 20th UniCon)
Guest of Honour: Alexa Klettner (neé Damm)
What is filk | Programme | Guest of Honour | Links


Guest of Honour

Alexa performed two seta at Harmuni 2. The first was our opening concert on Friday evening, and the second was on Saturday afternoon.

Golden Oldies

The Golden Oldies singalong on Friday night featured some of those old, best loved filksongs that old-timers think have been done to death, and newcomers have never heard. Joe Raftery compiled a short song-sheet so that we could all sing along.

Pegasus Awards

Each year the Ohio Valley Filk Fest host awards for the best in World filk music. This year's nominees include a strong UK and German contingent. On Saturday afternoon a concert featured the nominations for some of the categories, performed in a few cases by their writers, but in most cases by scratch groups of performers.


The instaband concert was held on Sunday afternoon, with three bands each performing one or two songs.

These pages have been prepared by Rick Hewett and Joe Raftery, based on the design for ConteXXt's website by Bridget Bradshaw.
If you have any comments about them you'd like to share then please e-mail them to www@lazyleopard.org.uk.
This page was last updated on August 24th 2002