The Programme

Our programme will include sets, workshops, a Main Concert, a Themed Concert, at least one discussion session, and a Filk Fund Auction.

One-Shot Concerts

There will be at least one One-Shot concert this year. Sign-up sheets will be on Registration.

Filk Fund Auction

There will be a table for auction contributions at the convention.

  • Please identify each item you donate by filling in an Auction Sheet for it.
  • You can bid for an item once it is on the auction table by writing your name and bid on its auction sheet.
  • The Auctioneer may take any item to the voice auction, in which case the highest bid on the sheet will be the starting bid.
  • Items which do not get taken into the voice auction but which have bids written on their auction sheet will be deemed sold to the bidder with the highest written bid.

Performer Sets

There will be sets from various performers, including two from each of our Guests of Honour and one from our Emeritus Guest.


Our Guests of Honour will be leading workshops on subjects of their own choosing.

Requesting a Set

The Programme is now almost ready to roll.

Set confirmation emails were sent out on 8th January.

If you have changes you'd like to make to your request then please email details to tripletime at

Please bear in mind that your slot time will include set-up and tear-down time, and we've received enough requests that the programme is quite tight, so please don't over-run.

If you're not sure what your technical requirements might be, get in touch and we'll help you work it out.

Staging and Technical requirements

The Tech equipment is there to help you sound as good as possible. The techies can use it to best effect if they know what you want, and it will help them a lot if they know this in advance so they can bring the right stuph*.

Here are some of the questions you should answer, preferably in your set request:

  • How many performers?
  • What sort of space will the performers need?
  • What instruments will the performers be playing?
It will also help the techies if you can provide a set list. If it's complicated then it will help if they have it before the Con, but for simpler sets it's OK to give it to them just before you do a sound check. Ideally, the set list will answer the questions above and a few more, like these:
  • Where on stage do you want your performers?
  • Who sings in each song?
  • Who plays which instruments in each song?
  • Will your performers sit, stand, dance, or...?
  • What backing tracks (in a playable digital format, preferably!), or other techie-controlled effects are needed in each song?
Concise, clear information will help. If your set list strays over onto a second page then it's probably too complicated!

a term coined by Keris, the much-missed filker and stalwart supporter of convention tech, for all manner of equipment including back-drops, stands, microphones, cables, speakers, amplifiers, mixers, equalisers, compressors, and other bits and pieces needed to provide the "tech" at a Con.